The caller does not have permission перевод

Самый простой способ — исправить с помощью gcloud cli. Больше документов здесь

установить gcloud

sudo apt-get install google-cloud-sdk

тогда позвони

gcloud init

затем проверьте свой активный проект и учетные данные

gcloud config configurations list

Если это не так, убедитесь, что вы прошли аутентификацию с правильной учетной записью:

gcloud auth list
* account 1
  account 2

Если нет, перейдите в аккаунт проекта:

gcloud config set account `ACCOUNT`

В зависимости от аккаунта список проектов будет разным:

gcloud projects list

- project 1
- project 2...

Перейти к предполагаемому проекту:

gcloud config set project `PROJECT NAME`

Затем создайте учетные данные приложения по умолчанию с помощью gcloud auth application-default login, а затем google-cloud автоматически обнаружит такие учетные данные.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

The current user does not have permission to access the document.

У текущего пользователя нет разрешения на доступ к документу.

If the owner of the land does not have permission to erect the structure, problems are provided to him.

Если у собственника земли нет разрешения на возведение строения, проблемы ему обеспечены.

attempting to access other system resources to which the application does not have permission to access

Попытка получить доступ к другим системным ресурсам, к которым у приложения нет разрешения на доступ.

Make sure you are the proper owner of the file and that the file does not have permission to be used on this site.

Убедитесь, что вы являетесь реальным владельцем файла и что у файла нет разрешения на использование на этом сайте.

If an ordinary person who does not have permission to drive, is caught driving a vehicle, he faces a prison facility.

Если же простой человек, не имеющий разрешения на вождение, будет пойман за рулем транспортного средства, ему грозит тюремное средство.

Sorry, guest does not have permission to view this page.

It does not have permission to host any international matches.

However, we are unable to employ anyone who does not have permission to live and work in the UK.

К сожалению мы не берём людей, которые не имеют разрешение на проживание и работу в Германии.

A normal Android user does not have permission to delete or modify the operating system files.

В частности, простому пользователю Android не разрешено вмешиваться в функционирование системных файлов, удалять их или менять настройки.

The user account does not have permission to run this task

У пользовательской учетной записи нет прав на удаление этого задания msi

A student guardian does not have permission to work while in Australia.

Студент не имеет автоматического разрешения на работу в период учебы в Австралии.

The Special Rapporteur visited «Bayti’s Ranch», land which the organization can use but does not have permission to build on.

Специальный докладчик посетила «ферму Бейти», земельный участок, которым организация может пользоваться без права застройки.

The president of the «Republic» also said that there «Officials from serbia that does not have permission to enter kosovo».

Также президент частично признанной республики отметил, что в составе находились «должностные лица из Сербии, не имеющие разрешения на въезд в Косово».

If he tries to copy a file into it, the copy will fail because Jesper does not have permission to write to the folder.

Если он попытается скопировать файл в эту папку, возникнет ошибка, потому что у пользователя Jesper нет разрешений на запись в папку.

The third party does not have permission to keep or market to this list, or to use it in any way other than as a suppression list for a mailing they are providing on UCMS Group’s behalf.

Третья сторона не имеет права хранить или заниматься продажей списков контактных данных, или использовать его любым другим способом, кроме как для отправления по списку рассылки от имени UCMS Group.

The indicated measure stipulates that the methodology developed by L.R. Hubbard and his claims to medical value, could not pass state licensing in one country in the world and does not have permission for application.

Указанная мера обусловлена тем, что разработанные Л.Р. Хаббардом методологии, претендующие на медицинскую ценность, не смогли пройти государственного лицензирования ни в одной стране мира и не получили разрешения на применение.

If you specify an account that does not have permission to log on as a service, the Services snap-in automatically grants the appropriate permissions to that account on the computer that you are managing.

Если указана учетная запись, которая не имеет разрешений на вход в качестве службы, оснастка «Службы» автоматически предоставляет этой учетной записи соответствующие разрешения на управляемом компьютере.

AccessDeniedException indicates that the current user does not have permission to perform the requested operation.

Это предупреждение говорит о том, что текущий пользователь не имеет права выполнять выбранную им операцию.

From its position, the OT was not able to see whether the vehicles actually crossed the border to Ukraine, or whether they remained at the «blind spot» behind the main building of the BCP, where the OT does not have permission to move.

Со своей позиции КН не могла видеть, пересекали ли фактически эти автомашины границу с Украиной или же они оставались в слепой зоне за главным зданием ПП, где КН не разрешено находиться.

It is an offence under the Asylum and Immigration Act 1996 to employ anyone who does not have permission to live or to work in the UK.

1996 год — Закон об убежище и иммиграции, которым вводилась уголовная ответственность за прием на работу любого человека, если у него нет разрешения на работу или вида на жительство в Соединенном Королевстве.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 27. Точных совпадений: 27. Затраченное время: 65 мс

Cправка — Профиль компании в Google


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Профиль компании в Google

Ahh, user rights. The cause and solution to all of life’s identification problems. In this blog post I explain how you can access (private) google spreadsheets using the Python gspread library. Before you get started: make sure you have administrator rights to the spreadsheets you are trying to work with.

Let’s get started:

  • Create a Google Cloud Platform project.
  • Enable the Sheets API
  • Go to the service account page, select your project and create a new service account.

  • Press ‘Continue’ when you reach step 2 if you don’t want to give this service account access to the GCP project
  • In step 3, click Create Key and select JSON. Download the key.
  • Once downloaded, rename the file to cred.json and move it to your project folder.
  • Use the following code authorize and load in the spreadsheets. Please, fill in your spreadsheet URL. Don’t run the code just yet. Else, you’ll run into the ‘The caller does not have permission’ (403) error.
import pandas as pd
import gspread
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
import numpy as np

scope = ['',

credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name('cred.json', scope)
gc = gspread.authorize(credentials)

gsheet = gc.open_by_url('<YOUR URL HERE>')

spreadsheets = [spreadsheet.get_all_values() for spreadsheet in gsheet.worksheets()]
headers = [data.pop(0) for data in spreadsheets]
data = [pd.DataFrame(spreadsheets[i], columns = headers[i]) for i in range(0,len(spreadsheets))]
  • Go back to the service account page and copy the email address associated with your service account.

  • Go to your spreadsheet and click Share in the top right corner.
  • Click Advanced in the bottom right corner of the window that pops up.
  • Send the invite to the service account by pasting the email address and clicking Send.

If you wait for a minute now and run the Python code, you will load in all the data inside your spreadsheets inside a list of pandas DataFrames.

Great success!

Say thanks, ask questions or give feedback

Technologies get updated, syntax changes and honestly… I make mistakes too. If something is incorrect, incomplete or doesn’t work, let me know in the comments below and help thousands of visitors.

Google Sheets API: The Caller Does Not Have Permission

Google Sheets API is a powerful tool that allows developers to interact with Google Sheets programmatically. It provides a wide range of functionalities, such as creating, reading, updating, and deleting data in Google Sheets. However, there are instances where developers may encounter the error message “The caller does not have permission” when trying to access or modify a Google Sheet. In this article, we will explore the possible causes of this error and provide solutions to resolve it.

Understanding the Error Message

When you receive the error message “The caller does not have permission” while using the Google Sheets API, it means that the user or service account making the API request does not have the necessary permissions to perform the requested action. This error can occur due to various reasons, including incorrect authentication, insufficient authorization scopes, or restricted access to the Google Sheet.

Common Causes of the Error

1. Incorrect Authentication: One of the common causes of the “caller does not have permission” error is incorrect authentication. When making API requests, it is essential to ensure that you are using the correct authentication credentials, such as an API key, OAuth 2.0 token, or service account key. If the authentication is not set up correctly or the credentials are invalid, the API request will fail with the permission error.

2. Insufficient Authorization Scopes: Another reason for encountering this error is insufficient authorization scopes. Each API request requires specific authorization scopes to access certain resources or perform specific actions. If the user or service account making the API request does not have the necessary authorization scopes, the request will be denied, resulting in the permission error.

3. Restricted Access to the Google Sheet: The Google Sheet you are trying to access or modify may have restricted access settings. If the sheet is shared with specific users or groups, and the user or service account making the API request is not included in the allowed list, the permission error will occur. It is crucial to ensure that the user or service account has the necessary access permissions to the Google Sheet.

Resolving the Error

To resolve the “caller does not have permission” error in Google Sheets API, you can follow these steps:

1. Verify Authentication Credentials

Double-check the authentication credentials you are using for making API requests. Ensure that you have the correct API key, OAuth 2.0 token, or service account key. If you are using a service account, make sure you have downloaded the JSON key file and set the environment variable correctly.

Review the required authorization scopes for the API request you are making. You can find the necessary scopes in the API documentation. Make sure that the user or service account has been granted the required scopes. If not, you will need to update the authorization settings and request the necessary scopes.

3. Grant Access to the Google Sheet

If the Google Sheet has restricted access settings, ensure that the user or service account making the API request has been granted access. You can do this by sharing the sheet with the appropriate email address associated with the user or service account. Grant the necessary permissions, such as view, edit, or owner access, depending on the level of access required.

4. Check API Quotas and Limits

Google Sheets API has certain quotas and limits in place to prevent abuse and ensure fair usage. If you are making a large number of API requests within a short period, you may exceed the quota and encounter the permission error. Check the API documentation for the specific quotas and limits and adjust your usage accordingly.

FAQ Section

Q1: Why am I getting the “caller does not have permission” error even though I have the necessary access to the Google Sheet?

A1: There could be several reasons for this. Firstly, ensure that you are using the correct authentication credentials and have the necessary authorization scopes. Additionally, check if the Google Sheet has any specific access restrictions or if there are any issues with the API request itself. If the issue persists, it is recommended to review the Google Sheets API documentation or seek assistance from the Google Cloud support team.

Q2: Can I use the Google Sheets API without authentication?

A2: No, authentication is required to access the Google Sheets API. You need to provide valid credentials, such as an API key, OAuth 2.0 token, or service account key, to authenticate your API requests. This ensures the security and integrity of the data stored in Google Sheets.

A3: If you encounter other errors while using the Google Sheets API, it is recommended to refer to the official API documentation and error reference guide. These resources provide detailed information about various error codes, their causes, and possible solutions. Additionally, you can seek help from the Google Cloud support team or consult the developer community for assistance.


The “caller does not have permission” error in the Google Sheets API can be frustrating, but it is usually caused by incorrect authentication, insufficient authorization scopes, or restricted access to the Google Sheet. By verifying authentication credentials, checking authorization scopes, granting access to the Google Sheet, and monitoring API quotas and limits, you can resolve this error and successfully interact with Google Sheets programmatically. Remember to always refer to the official documentation and seek assistance when needed to ensure a smooth development experience.


  • Google Sheets API Documentation:
  • Google Cloud Support:

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