Back in parking prohibited перевод

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that 76 percent of drivers in the United States park nose-in. This group of people doesn’t observe safety precautions when parking their vehicles.

Now, what’s the preferred way to park a vehicle? The NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) encourages drivers to park their vehicles forward-facing, in and out of the workplace for safety reasons. 

Unfortunately, many back in parkers believe parking this way gives them more control over the vehicle’s front wheels. They also believe they can get a better angle or get too close to adjacent cars.

Unfortunately, back in parking is prohibited and there are reasons for that. So, if you’re fond of parking this way or contemplating parking your vehicle this way, this post is for you.  

Let’s find the answer to this question right away. 

Why is back in parking prohibited?

Back-in parking is prohibited because of the difficulty in identifying vehicle license plates. The prohibition is common in some states in the U.S. where drivers don’t use front license plates. 

Therefore, the meter maid or parking enforcement officers need to view all of the license plates on all vehicles in a row. They only allow their cars to face the same way, with all license plates on the same side.

In addition, these license plates may be used to verify if a driver is entitled to a parking space. Thus, all vehicles are mandated to do front in parking.

Continue reading this article for more information on back in and other types of parking. 

How To Do A Back In Parking 

Back in parking is a new idea that is beginning to show up in more places. The general steps for back-in parking are similar to parallel parking:

Step 1: A traffic signal to show that you’re about to move.

Step 2: Drive past the parking lot.

Step 3: Pull your car to a complete stop.

Step 4: Reverse into the parking area at an angle of 45-degree.

Disadvantages And Advantages Of Back-In Parking

Back in parking has its advantages and disadvantages. So, even if you’re in a state where it’s not prohibited, you still need to have a look to know if it’s the right thing to do. 

Advantages of back in packing: 

Back-in-angle parking has a lot of advantages, which is why it’s becoming increasingly common. These benefits have proven to be safer in reducing collisions, particularly those involving exiting cars and bikers nearby.

Better view: Back in parking allows drivers to have a better idea of the traffic ahead.  Especially when exiting a parking place and entering the travel lane, 

Easier pull out: Back in parking removes the difficulties of backing into flowing traffic for drivers. In addition, drivers park in angled spaces which are a lot easier than a parallel area.

Easy trunk loading and unloading: Back in parking places the vehicle’s trunk or rear end on the sidewalk for more effortless loading and unloading.

Safe for children: Back in parking allows drivers and passengers, especially children, to enter and exit the car on the sidewalk. While on the sidewalks, the doors protect them from driving traffic.

Disadvantages of back-in parking:

Back-in-angle parking has several drawbacks. The following are critical disadvantages to consider:

Steep learning curve: The back in parking has a steep learning curve. This curve is similar to when roundabouts were first introduced. 

The learning curve can be overcome with teaching and installation on a side street before trying out on the main road. In addition, drivers and meter maids can reduce confusion by making use of signposts.

Collisions: Some drivers don’t know when to stop when doing back-in parking. This poor stoppage may cause the vehicle to overrun the pavement or collide with landscaping or other facilities.

Congestion: Congestion may occur because of the initial halting and backing movement. This movement is similar to parallel parking.

Fatal crashes: Some drivers from the other traffic lane carelessly pull out across the road. This careless act may result in crashing into the parking stall nose-first.

10 Safety Tips To Consider When Using A Parking Lot

Parking lots are one of the most underrated potential hazards for both pedestrians and vehicles. 

There are many methods to stay safe and avoid parking lot accidents and injuries. Here are some safety suggestions:

Make use of your side and rear mirrors, as well as your cameras:

Rear cameras could help avoid back-over accidents. In addition, the camera can help you to avoid hitting persons in the vehicle’s blind zone. 

According to the research, cameras are more successful than parking sensors at assisting drivers in seeing and avoiding a child-size item parked behind the car. 

Drivers should always use these security tools, such as reverse cameras and mirrors, to their advantage.

Drive slowly:

Take it easy while driving. Keep in mind that speeding through parking lots will likely result in an accident. 

Cars reverse into and out of parking spaces. Some people load and unload vehicles in parking lots. Additionally, you may know about some blind spots in parking spaces. 

Therefore, slowing down allows you to respond faster if something or someone obstructs you unexpectedly while driving.

Avoid distractions:

In 2017, distracted driving crashes killed 3,166 individuals. These crashes accounted for 9% of all fatal crashes in the United States. Traffic distractions include pressing a mobile phone, wearing headphones, eating, doing makeup. 

Cell phones and text messaging are potentially harmful. These gadgets cause harm by diverting a driver’s attention away from the road for an extended period. 

In parking lots, distracted driving is equally risky because you’re more likely to encounter distracted pedestrians.

Look for a parallel parking space:

Some parking lots are usually busy. To avoid busy parking lots, look for a parallel parking space.

Although reverse parallel parking is a typical driving school exam, you must drive safely in congested street conditions. 

Select your parking space wisely:

Parking in well-lit places is preferable to parking between tall trucks, SUVs, or vans. It may be difficult to reverse out safely when you park in between these vehicles, and thieves may be lurking.

 Keep your attention on your surroundings rather than just on finding a parking spot. In addition, keep an eye out for other automobiles and pedestrians.

Stay safe by using OnStar advisors:

You can phone OnStar agents if you’re concerned about your safety in an empty parking lot. An OnStar Advisor can stay on the phone with you until you’ve safely arrived at your vehicle. 

OnStar Advisors are well-trained in the most recent emergency dispatch medical procedures. Therefore, they can tell you what to do or get you the needed aid if you have an emergency.

Use built-in emergency system on your smartphone:

Allow your phone to help you out in the case of emergencies. Every iPhone and Android device comes with a built-in emergency SOS system for quick access.   

Knowing how to use the emergency functions on your phone could save your life. You can check the user manual to learn how to use the emergency feature.

You can also choose to share your location with a trusted friend or family member. You can turn on this sharing feature indefinitely. This feature will always enable someone to trace your movement if you don’t return home on time. 

However, you can deactivate this feature at any time.

Find your keys ahead of time:

You must have been in this situation before. You get to your car, and your car keys are nowhere to be found. Keeping your keys in your hand before getting into your vehicle could save your life. 

Many criminals seek distracted victims. Searching effortlessly through your handbag or briefcase for your keys could provide them with the opportunity they want.

If you have a manual car key, make sure it’s set to unlock the door when you go to your car. If your vehicle uses a remote, keep your finger near the keypad. This trick will help you open the door or start the alarm system if needed.

Smart parking is essential:

If there’s a possibility you’ll be able to park near the front entrance or elevators, take full advantage.

You should also keep track of where you parked. Look for any identifying labels or landmarks that can help you find your way back to your car. These markers will keep you from wandering around the parking lot.

Examine the surroundings:

As you approach your car, make a brief survey of the surrounding surroundings. Then, turn around and go back inside the building if anything appears wrong or seek assistance. 

Few things to watch out for are: 

Punctured tires:

Check for air leaks or slits in your tires if you have flat tires.

Surrounding cars:

Look at the vehicles that are nearest to you. Keep an eye out for anyone inside or around the car.

Beneath your car: Many robbers and kidnappers will lie behind your vehicle. They may be waiting to pounce as you unlock your door. Therefore, it’s best to take a quick look below your car from a safe distance.

Passenger seat: Check to see if somebody has broken into your car and hides in the passenger seat. Before getting inside the vehicle, check all windows and look for indicators that your staff has moved. 


Back-in parking is prohibited because meter maids or traffic wardens find checking cars’ license plates difficult. 

In some situations, back-in parking makes you appear suspicious. For example, cops may see you as a criminal who’s trying to escape a crime scene as fast as possible. 

No matter the benefits of back-in parking,  one thing is sure! Back in parking causes too many road accidents. Therefore, turning the car around to park forward is a natural approach to lessen the danger.

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It doesn’t matter if you are Overlanding and rarely visiting towns and cities, or if you are driving in the city every day, you often find yourself looking to park your vehicle in a parking lot. 

One might think that the way they park their car is straightforward enough, but some people would disagree. The rules of parking in some states forbid you to park in reverse in perpendicular parking lots.

Backing into a parking spot is prohibited because of the damage done to the buildings and plants. Most importantly, police, parking enforcement officers, or meter maids can’t check the license plates of the backed-in vehicle while passing by. The last issue is the most common in the states where cars don’t have front license plates.

Most of the time, we don’t overthink how to park our car. It is easy enough process when you have a perpendicular parking spot. You just drive in nose-first.

That kind of thinking is common for 76% of drivers in America (The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration research), and the rest tries to park backing into a parking spot. While backing in is a recommended way of parking by many insurance companies and NHTSA themselves because of safety issues, it is not always possible.

License Plate Visibility

Many towns and cities prohibit parking in reverse because the license plates in most vehicles are located only in the back. If a car were to back into a parking lot, the officer that checks for parking permits (which are often assigned to a license plate) wouldn’t be able to see it. The same goes for law enforcement while checking for car registration. 

Many people complain about parking rules forbidding parking in reverse, making it seem like the law enforcement and parking officers are too lazy to get out of their vehicle to check the plates. That’s not the case because if an officer were to get out of their car to check every license plate of a backed-in vehicle, it would cause a little congestion (they do need to stop!). 

Damage to the Property

Another reason is to prevent car fumes from destroying buildings’ facades, killing off shrubbery and trees planted alongside the parking lot, and controlling said fumes from coming into apartments through the windows facing the parking lot.

Many parking lots placed directly in front of buildings have signs posted informing drivers of the way they should park. The fumes exuded from backed-in vehicles often make a residue on buildings, changing the color of facades, and in the case of apartment buildings, the fumes are directed into apartments through windows.

In some places, there are rules pertaining to particular areas and specific parking lots around the cities in certain states. Those rules also include fines in case of violation. It is wise to pay attention to all the signs around the parking lot or garage, and even though nobody is going to end up in jail for not obeying the rules, it is usually easier to avoid fines.

There is also a case of angle parking (but not the back-in diagonal parking), which is regulated by a law prohibiting back-in parking by vehicles other than a two-wheeled motorcycle, motor-driven cycle, or moped. We can certainly agree that it wouldn’t make sense to back into an angled parking spot anyway.

In Which States is Back-in Parking Illegal?

Why Is Back-in Parking Prohibited?

There is one very confusing law in Hawaii. If you ever happen to take your rig all the way to the middle of the Pacific or manage to rent a vehicle there to visit the Islands, you need to be on the lookout. The law states that it is illegal to park in reverse on state parking lots with parking meters. It doesn’t apply to other parking lots – public without meters or private.

In California, the state law doesn’t prohibit reverse parking, but some jurisdictions have rules for cars on public parking lots. The law states that one needs to display the rear of the car so law enforcement can check the license plate.

The same situation is in Florida. There is no state law making back-in parking illegal, but if you see a sign telling you not to do it, don’t.

Apart from Florida, 18 other states don’t require you to have a front license plate on your vehicle. Because of that, in those states, there might be more rules in public parking lots in certain cities telling drivers which way they should park their cars. Those states are:

  • Alabama, 
  • Arizona, 
  • Arkansas, 
  • Delaware, 
  • Georgia, 
  • Indiana, 
  • Kansas, 
  • Kentucky, 
  • Louisiana, 
  • Michigan, 
  • Mississippi, 
  • New Mexico, 
  • North Carolina, 
  • Oklahoma, 
  • Pennsylvania, 
  • South Carolina, 
  • Tennessee, 
  • West Virginia.

If you find yourself Overlanding through any of those states, keep an eye on the signs in towns and cities. The most common and unmarked place that you will not be allowed to park in reverse would be public parking with parking meters. So, just in case, park facing in to avoid any parking tickets.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Back-in Parking


Easer to pull out – It’s as simple as driving forward. Once the coast is clear and you can safely pull out of the parking spot, you don’t need to maneuver too much to pull out. 

Better view – While reversing out, your car needs to come out nearly 1/3 of the way out of the parking spot in order for you to see oncoming traffic. While you look one way for cars, there might be pedestrians still in your blind spot. While parked backed in, you have a clear view of the traffic and smaller blind spots.

Emergency – It is faster to pull out of the parking spot in case of emergency if you are facing traffic. As stated above, it is more maneuvering and big blind spots when you are parked nose-in, and it all makes up time when you don’t need it. When you are in a hurry, there are more chances of missing a cyclist or pedestrian when backing out of a parking spot.


Learning – It takes a little bit more time to learn how to park in reverse. 

Congestion – It also takes a little bit more time to perform backing in parking. Instead of driving right into a parking spot, one needs to drive past it and reverse with care, which sometimes blocks the traffic behind.

Collisions – If you are not careful enough or don’t have parking sensors or cameras, there is a chance you may hit something that is below the level of your rear window directly behind your car.


Many insurance companies recommend back-in parking for safety reasons. Every year there are around 300 deaths and 15 000 injuries obtained on parking lots in the U.S. The statistics say it’s because reversing out of the parking spot is more dangerous than reversing in. 

Despite that fact, many municipalities and private parking owners in the U.S. prohibit back-in parking. There are reasons for it. The car fumes in the apartments or difficulty reading license plates are few.

As overlanders, we don’t often find ourselves in cities or towns, preferring to stay off the beaten path, but we need to be aware of all the rules and regulations when the time comes.

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Hey y’all, my name is Brent and I have been an outdoor enthusiast since I was born…at least as far back as I can recall. I never wanted to be inside, which was pretty difficult for my parents as a kid. I got hooked on Overlanding in my early 20’s after I rolled the first Jeep I owned into a shallow ditch, and I never looked back.


Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

Англо-русский перевод PARKING PROHIBITED

стоянка запрещена

Тверитнев М.В..
English-Russian car dictionary Russo.

     Англо-Русский автомобильный словарь Руссо.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

A sign that says «parking prohibited on Sundays» is an exception that implies (proves) the rule that parking is allowed on the other days of the week.

Например, дорожный знак «Парковка запрещена по воскресеньям» подразумевает действие правила, разрешающего парковку в остальные дни.

For example, a sign that says ‘parking prohibited on Sundays’ (the exception) ‘proves’ that parking is allowed on the other six days of the week (the rule).

Например, дорожный знак «Парковка запрещена по воскресеньям» подразумевает действие правила, разрешающего парковку в остальные дни.

Do not occupy places for people with disabilities and places for parking prohibited, otherwise there will be a fine.

Не занимайте места инвалидов и места, для стоянки запрещенные, иначе последует штраф.

Where is parking prohibited?

Stopping and parking prohibited.

265-35 Parking prohibited in certain locations certain days and hours.

На 542 адресах в Петербурге установлены таблички, запрещающие парковку в определенные дни и часы.

Parking prohibited on even days.

(i) Places where parking is prohibited shall be indicated by sign C, 18, «PARKING PROHIBITED«; places where standing and parking are prohibited shall be indicated by sign C, 19, «STANDING AND PARKING PROHIBITED«.

для указания мест, где стоянка запрещена, используется знак C,18 «Стоянка запрещена«; для указания мест, где остановка и стоянка запрещены, используется знак C,19 «Остановка и стоянка запрещены«

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 8. Точных совпадений: 8. Затраченное время: 39 мс

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